Monday, July 2, 2012

Episode 77

Unsupported Operation 77

General News

Google News

  • IO obviously happened this week:
    • New JellyBean, but not sure what new APIs
      • Cloud messaging grows up
      • Google Now - event reminders with estimated travel times to destination, advance Siri beating voice search etc. etc.
    • New Google TV APIs
    • New YouTube APIs
    • Web Intents
    • Google Compute Engine
    • Adobe has killed Flash for Android 4.1
  • Mark and I used Party Mode on a trip today, worked great! Remember to turn your calendar from “yes accept any and all invitations” to “no” if thats what its setting is and you want to be more careful.
    • Oddly - the photo I took when in Party Mode never uploaded...
  • Google did not gloat at IO about Oracle case as far as I saw
  • GWT 2.5 RC/beta?
    • GWT control seeded to external standards group/organisation/steering committee - Red Hat coming on board, Vaadin, and others
    • Vaadin 7 Alpha 3 also released
      • now includes full GWT for client side JS development, new navigation apis, js execution apis, JS based components,


  • 2.0 released
    • a static type checker to let the compiler tell you about the correctness of your code,
    • static compilation for the performance of the critical parts of your application,
    • modularity, splitting the Groovy JAR into smaller feature-oriented JARs and letting you create your own extension modules,
    • JDK 7 Project Coin syntax enhancements, so that Groovy is still as friendly as possible with its Java cousin,
    • and JDK 7 Invoke Dynamic integration to benefit from the support of the JVM for dynamic languages.
  • Grails 2.1.0-RC3
  • Did we say Gradle went 1.0?

Apache News


  • Amazon EC2 down and took out Instagram, Netflix, and lots of others, followed up by a leap second bug taking out java apps everywhere - YAY.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Episode 76

Unsupported Operation 76

Snakes are like small children

  • Oracle ordered to pay Googles Legal Fees
  • Oracle Cloud launched
  • Apple/Google(Motorola) case thrown out by Judge - as neither side could proove damages, Judge thru out the case - good to see judges with balls lately - call it “not in the public interest” to continue it.


  • Apache Oozie 3.2.0 released - Hadoop workflow/coordination system with DAGs
  • Nutch 1.5 - web search, now based on SOLR instead of lucene directly. Apache Tika and Hadoop involved?
  • Rave 0.12 - Alpha
  • Apache Syncope 1.0.0-incubating - Open Source Identity Management for enterprises
  • HttpComponents HttpCore 4.2.1GA released
  • Felix Configuration Admin 1.4.0 released
  • Apache Jackrabbit 2.4.2


  • Groovy 2.0 RC


Sunday, June 3, 2012

Episode 75

Unsupported Operation 75

Java / Misc


  • JMeter 2.7
  • Apache Log4j 1.2.17 - first (maintainance) release in 2 years!
  • Tomcat Connectors 1.2.37
  • Buildr 1.4.7
  • PDFBox 1.7.0
  • WSIF retierd
  • Wink 1.2.0-incubating
  • Libcloud 0.10.1
  • HttpComponents HttpClient 4.2GA
  • Apache Qpid 0.16

Groovy / Grails




Sunday, April 29, 2012

Episode 73

Unsupported Operation 73




  • Apache Karaf 2.2.7
  • Cassandra 1.1
  • Chemistry OpenCMIS 0.7.0
  • Ivy 2.3.0-RC1
  • Gora 0.2
  • Jackrabbit 2.2.12



Monday, April 23, 2012

Episode 72

Unsupported Operation 72




  • Typesafe Stack 2.0.1 released
  • Scala IDE for Eclipse M1 released


  • Grails is now 2.0.3 after Windows related issued found.


  • Compress Antlib 1.2 released
  • Commons Compress 1.4
  • Open Web Beans 1.1.4
  • Tomcat 7.0.27
  • IvyDE 2.2.0 beta 1
  • Camel 2.9.2
  • CXF 2.6.0
  • HTTP Server 2.4.2
  • Rave 0.10.1 (mashup engine)
  • OFBiz 10.04.02
  • Commons IO 2.3
  • BVal 0.4 (implements Bean Validation 1.0 spec)
  • Axion 1.2.13 - xml model something or other that was part of Axis 2
  • Lucene and Solr 3.6 (does this mean a new version of Elastic Search soon?)
  • MyFaces Core 2.1.7 / 1.2.12 / 1.1.10
  • Accumulo 1.4.0 (key/value store big table based on hadoop, zookeeper and thrift)
  • Empire DB 3.0 - alternative to JPA -


Sunday, April 8, 2012

Episode 71

Unsupported Operation Episode 71

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Episode 70 - Important Java News EVERYONE needs to hear.

Welcome to Unsupported Operation Episode 70, this episode includes details of several upcoming and game changing news to both the java community and its ecosystem.


Sunday, March 18, 2012

Episode 68

Unsupported Operation Episode 68

Java / Misc




Monday, March 12, 2012

Episode 67

Unsupported Operation 67



Web Stuff

  • NettoSphere - A WebSocket and HTTP server based on Atmosphere and Netty.
  • vert.x - node.js like asynchronous web server/platform - lets you write applications in js, ruby, and java. comes with distributed event bus, websocket support, tcp/ssl, pre made modules for mailer, authentication, work queues
  • Thymeleaf 2.0 - XML/HTML specific template engine.
  • GateIN 3.2.0 Final - people still use portal servers?
  • JRebel 4.6 released, JRebel for Vaadin announced

Apache / Maven / Related

  • Shavenmaven - super-lightweight dependency management - NO XML - just URLs
  • Grails 2.0.1 now uses RichardStyle composites, and hopefully will make its way to “Apache Maven Central” soon.
  • Apache Jena 0.9.0 - Java framework for building Semantic Web
  • Commons Math 3.0
  • Apache Camel 2.9.1
  • Apache Hama 0.4 - incubating - metrics on Hadoop
  • Apache Rave 0.8 - incubating - social mashup
  • Apache Tomcat Native 1.1.23
  • Apache Ant 1.8.3
  • Directory studio 2.0.M3
  • ApacheDS 2.0.0-M6
  • Apache Directory LDAP 1.0.0-M11
  • Apache Commons Daemon 1.0.10
  • Apache ACE has become a top level project
  • Apache OFBiz 09.04.02 (2nd TLD in a month - DeltaCloud was the other)
  • Apache MyFaces extension for CDI 1.0.4





  • Clojure 1.4 beta 4
  • First Github got hacked, then node.js’s NPM, Clojars takes precautions:

    Hello folks!

    In light of the recent break-in to the Node.js package hosting site (, I’ve decided to bump the priority of increasing the security on Clojars. I’ve deployed a fix that uses bcrypt ( for password hashing. The first time you log in, it will re-hash your password using bcrypt and wipe the old weak hash.

    Note that Clojars has NOT had a security breach at this time. This is a preventative measure to protect your password in the event of a future breach. We are also looking into allowing signed jars (and possibly requiring them for releases). If you’re interested in helping out with this effort, (design or code) please join the clojars-maintainers mailing list:

    Because we can’t ensure that everyone will log in to re-hash their password, at some point in the future (probably 2–3 weeks out) we will WIPE all the old password hashes. Otherwise users who have stopped using Clojars or missed the announcement could have their passwords exposed in the event of a future break-in. I will be sure to send out a few more warnings before this happens, but even if your password has been wiped it’s easy to reset it via the “forgot password” functionality.

    If you have any applications storing passwords hashed with SHA1 (even if you use a salt) I highly recommend you take the same steps; refer to for details.

    please log into Clojars to re-hash your password.

    Thanks for your attention.


  • Related news - Bouncy Castle 1.46 released
  • Static code analyzer for Clojure - kibit 0.0.2 now released
  • Marginalia v0.7.0 - documentation generator for clojure
  • lein 2.0 preview releases are out, and now preview2 is supported by Travis-CI
  • lein-navem is a lein plugin that converts a maven pom.xml into lein project.clj
  • Datomic is a new database service from Rich Hickey. And dayam it looks nice. Some really nice ideas in here.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Episode 66

Unsupported Operation 66




Active Google Code

Active Github Projects

  • Jetbrais Kotlin
    • Interesting that James Strachan, Groovy Creator is a committer for the language/libraries.  Moved on from Scala love then?
  • Java Chronicle
    • This library is an ultra low latency, high throughput, persisted, messaging and event driven in memory database.  The typical latency is as low at 16 nano-seconds and supports throughputs of 5-20 million messages/record updates per second.
  • Action Bar Sherlock
    • Use the action bar in all versions of Android, uses native ActionBar when available, or automatically wrapping your existing layouts when not.  Version 4.0 coming soon with Ice Cream Sandwich action bar.
  • Microsoft Translator Java API





Sunday, February 19, 2012

Episode 65

Unsupported Operation 65


Other / Misc

  • Play 2.0 RC2 available. When asked where the webframework for Kotlin is at JFokus, JB reps said “Look at Play 2.0, we’ll make it work with Kotlin”. Good to know they’re not interested in reinventing every wheel out there.
  • DropWizard went 0.2.0 - guys get your versions sorted!
  • lamdaj 2.4 released - looks nice, but after using Kotlin/Xtend - these all feel too hacked on - even more so than they did before.
  • Netty 3.3.1 released - supports SPDY, SPDY seems to be gaining traction and a call for it to be included in HTTP 2.0 has also been made.
  • HalBuilder 1.0.1 released to Maven Central.
  • Gerrit is now available at the Eclipse foundation


  • TeamCity 7.0 RC
  • IntelliJ IDEA 11.1 114.145 EAP
    • new Groovy Console / REPL - doesn’t work against grails apps apparently (yet)
    • More SVN 1.7 improvements
  • Kotlin build tools available - Evgeny Goldin has been writing the maven plugin, which currently relies upon his ivy-plugin to download the latest kotlin from teamcity ( which exposes artifacts as an Ivy repo - NOT a maven repo ).
    • Did we say Kotlin was open sourced?
  • A decompiled Kotlin class shows how named parameters, nullability, and type reification works to enhance IDE support.


  • Apollo Action MQ Sub-project went 1.0 - Apollo's new threading model which is geared to multi-core microprocessors makes it faster, more scalable and more reliable than ActiveMQ and perhaps many other messaging projects.
  • Apache Sqoop 1.4.1 incubating release - used for migrating Hadoop data between Hadoop and relational dbs
  • Apache DeltaCloud announced as top level project -Apache Deltacloud defines a RESTful Web Service application programming interface (API) for interacting with Cloud service providers and resources in those clouds in a unified manner. In addition, it consists of a number of implementations of this API for the most popular Clouds such as Amazon, Eucalyptus, GoGrid, IBM, Microsoft, OpenStack, Rackspace, and more. In addition to the API server, the project also provides client libraries for a wide variety of languages.
  • Apache Commons Daemon 1.0.9
  • Subversion 1.7.3
  • Apache DeltaSpike - CDI extentions repository for Java devs
  • HttpClient 4.2.1-beta







Sunday, February 12, 2012

Episode 64

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Episode 63 - First for 2012

Unsupported Operation 63 - First for 2012


  • Sensei DB - Open-source, distributed, realtime, semi-structured database from LinkedIn
  • Resteasy 2.3.1
  • Gitblit 0.8.2 - pure java git repo manager
  • Guartz 1.1 out - Guice + Quartz
  • New chromedriver release from SeleniumHQ - release notes - download - interesting, downloads are from the chromium google code site, not selenium? Oo - this is the server...
  • Eclipse Orion - new content assist ( live templates ) a lot of nice improvements in this new milestone release.

Apache Maven / Sonatype

